What’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to your body in your dreams? Me, I’ve had missing body parts, I’ve had my teeth fall out, I’ve even had strange things come out of my body! I’ve also had dreams where something crazy was happening to someone else’s body! In the dream world, the array of bodily afflictions are endless… and can often be hilarious!

Last week on my Blog Talk radio show, we talked about The 5 Most Common Bodily Affliction Dreams and also invited listeners to call in with their weird body dreams. And boy, did they call in! One of my favorites was caller Brenda’s dream about her daughter’s dismembered and rather chatty head! Have a listen below to listen to this hilarious dream AND to find out what the heck it means!

See how a funny and somewhat disturbing dream actually revealed to Brenda how much her daughter’s leaving the nest is really making her feel? That’s one of the purposes of dreaming, to help us see our current situation in a different light so that we can better understand the situation and especially, better understand our self. In real life Brenda has been trying to stay positive and be excited for her daughter but in her dream life, we see the truth: Brenda is having a hard time with the “dismemberment” of her daughter. In other words, her daughter leaving the nest is a “member” of the family being cut off from the tree.

What can she take from this? Well, now that she knows that this is really starting to get to her. she can hug her daughter a little tighter, spend a little more time with her and squeeze as much as she can out of these last remaining moment of her baby still being under her wing. Sigh…

dream-on-it-smIn my latest book Dream On It, Unlock Your Dreams Change Your Life, there is an entire chapter on body dreams and what all the different parts of our body mean in dream language as well as what all the strange things that can happen to our body really mean! The body chapter also covers Teeth, Hair, Eyes, Chest, Hands, Stomach, Butt, Legs, Feet, Genitals, Pregnancy and Birth and more!

“If you want to know what your dreams mean, you’ve GOT to get Dream On It y’all!” Steve Harvey, King of Comedy and talk show host