When I first began studying and researching dreams, I was surprised how often snakes slither into the collective dreamscape. All these years later it still amazes me how many snake dreams are reported to me daily, and the majority of them are rather frightening… with...
A horse is a horse, of course, of course… unless it shows up in your dream! In my research I have found that there are two main meanings behind a horse in a dream. The most common meaning is the ability to get back in the saddle when life knocks you down. And...
Former President Bush’s Scottish Terrier Barney passed away today. 🙁 Reading this sad news reminded me of a dream I once used in my nationally syndicated column about this dog… but in the dream he was green! R.I.P. Barney! Ever dream about someone that...
When we listen to and know how to understand our dreams, we can make much better decisions regarding ALL areas of our lives: finances, career, and especially our relationships because our dreams tell us like it REALLY is. Patty, for example, was getting back into a...
Dogs are the most dreamed-of animal, according to my research, because of the characteristics they possess and because those characteristics are a basic, fundamental human need. I am talking about loyalty and friendship. Dogs are known to be loyal to their masters...
My friend Amy Oscar writes a very beautiful and inspiring blog. The other day she posted a dream she had that I found very interesting, so I analyzed it for her. Read on to find out how a butterfly, a talking bird and a tractor are helping Amy with her writing...