Whether it’s wandering the cinder blocked halls of your old high school with nothing on but your Nikes or catching your teeth as they fall out of your mouth one by one, we ALL get a certain dream over and over and over again. Even celebrities aren’t immune...
I think we’ve all had that dream where we discover a room or series of rooms in our house that doesn’t actually exist in real life. I get that one A LOT! In my dreams it is usually a whole other wing of the house I didn’t know was there or had...
If you have never had that dream where you’re back at your high school or college, wandering the halls trying to find your locker or sitting in Algebra class freaking out because you didn’t study for the test, then you might not be normal! The back at...
In my career, I’ve been lucky enough to do appearances on morning drive radio all over the country, which has provided me the opportunity to talk to thousands upon thousands of people about their dreams. I’ve done just over 3600 appearances thus far, and...
Every Wednesday I get to dissect a sex or relationship dream for my friends at Em and Lo: Sex, Love and Everything In Between This week’s dream is from a gal who is wondering why she’s dreaming of kissing her childhood ex… I keep having a dream where I meet up...
When you can understand your dreams, you’ll find that they are the best glimpse of reality available. They are the way you are brutally honest with yourself when your conscious waking mind refuses to be. They are the way you nag yourself over a recurring behavior you...