Happy Birthday John Lennon. Today John Lennon would be 73 years old! Like most artists, he was very much inspired by his dreams. In fact his hit Dream #9, which ironically peaked at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 list in 1974, was inspired by a dream. In an interview on the BBC in 1980 John said of his inspiration for the song…
“That’s what I call craftsmanship writing, meaning, you know, I just churned that out. I’m not putting it down, it’s just what it is, but I just sat down and wrote it, you know, with no real inspiration, based on a dream I’d had.”
According to John’s partner at the time, May Pang, the lyrics to the chorus “Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé” came to him in a dream…
“This was one of John’s favorite songs, because it literally came to him in a dream. He woke up and wrote down those words along with the melody. He had no idea what it meant, but he thought it sounded beautiful. John arranged the strings in such a way that the song really does sound like a dream. “
Here’s the video for you to enjoy.

To read about other iconic rock songs that came from dreams, go here.
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